
Anti-Bribery and corruption policy

Policy statement: The purpose of this Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy is to demonstrate the company's commitment to conducting all business in an honest, ethical, and professional manner. The company is committed to upholding integrity in all business interactions and partnerships, regardless of the location in which it operates. It has a strict zero-tolerance policy towards bribery and other corrupt practices and is dedicated to complying with all anti-bribery and corruption legislation in the jurisdictions where it does business. The company is committed to eliminating corruption and bribery in order to avoid penalties, damage to its reputation, and disqualification from consideration for public contracts. It is aware that these offenses are punishable by imprisonment and fines under Indonesian law. 

Scope: This policy applies to all employees of the company, at all levels and in all locations where the company conducts business, as well as to third parties with whom the company has cooperation agreements. It is relevant to all employees, regardless of their position within the company. 

Definitions: Bribery is the act of offering, giving, receiving, or requesting money, gifts, or other favors in order to influence the outcome of a business transaction or to gain an advantage in a personal relationship. It is a form of corruption that undermines the integrity of business and government and can lead to negative consequences for individuals and organizations involved. 

Policy articles: Under this policy, the company prohibits the acceptance or giving of any gifts, including cash, services, or other forms of hospitality, from or to outside parties. This includes gifts given or received by the company to or from public figures, government employees or other parties for any reason. Any offers or transfers of gifts, cash, favors, invitations, services, or other hospitality, as well as any suspected or attempted bribery or corruption, must be reported to the company. All employees have a responsibility to prevent, identify, and report any attempted or completed acts of bribery or corruption. Any employee who violates this policy may face disciplinary action, up to and including termination. It is important for all employees to read and understand this policy in conjunction with any other relevant policies and procedures. 

Monitoring: To ensure the effectiveness of this policy, the company will regularly review the policy and any related reporting systems. At least once per year, the department responsible for implementing the policy will provide the CEO with a report on its implementation and execution. This will help the company ensure that the policy is being followed and that any necessary updates or changes can be made.